Pat Lentine - cpsa, cpx

Artist Designer Teacher

Pat Lentine is originally from the Chicago area, but has lived in Florida since 1987. She has 3 children  (Joe, Dana, and Trisha) & 7 grandchildren,  Pat's grandchildren,  Jack, Max, Marina, Sophie, Bella, Ava, and Emerson have been the subject of many of her paintings.

Although Pat paints all subjects, her passion has always been painting children. Her first painting of a grandchild was the "Marina & Santa" Christmas plate which was featured on the cover of "Paintworks" magazine. Since then Pat finished all 7 Christmas plates, has done many colored pencil projects of each of her grandchildren and oil portraits of all seven.

Pat has been published in several magazines and has won awards both in fine art and decorative painting.

Pat teaches acrylic, colored pencil, watercolor, and oil, having taught all levels of artists since 1991. In addition to local classes, she travel teaches for individual groups and at conventions.

Pat is a signature member of the Colored Pencil Society of American and was a member of the Society of Decorative Painters for over 30 years.